The Journal #26
Pillars. Posture. Death. Wrestling.
01. NXT45 - Joe Gaunt
Our Pillars
The NXT45 co-founder team believe in 4 pillars of health as a central element of our philosophy. But why? And what do we mean? And how can we understand and impact these 4 pillars?
In this 5 part series (this post + 1 on each pillar) I will break down the rationale and each pillar with some evidence based points and practical tips to support each area.
The 4 pillars link back to the original BioPsychoSocial model (created by Engel, 1981) to suggest the bidirectional relationship between these pillars and our health status.
Put less formally it suggests that there is an influence from all these areas (biology - psychology - social influences) that link together to shape our past, present and future health.
For example our social circle (social) may influence the amount we drink alcohol and resulting physical health (bio) which may lead to us desiring to drink again (psycho) or even feel good when we think about drinking again with friends (all 3 combined between hormones, neurological pathways and the influence our social circle has had on these systems via good or bad association).
This is just one example of the many ways one area impacts the other(s) in positive and negative ways and all elements can impact all pillars.
So formally these are bidirectional and on a ‘continuum’ in that the status of each pillar can constantly change i.e. I may feel physically well today, physically unwell tomorrow, stressed in the morning but fine by the afternoon.
That is why personally I always felt financial health fits into this model perfectly as it has a huge influence on health, impacts the other areas significantly and its status can continually change.
For example If an individual is stressed about getting to payday or meeting liabilities after payday, this is initially a financial wellbeing issue. The individual then doesn't sleep (physical/ bio) is worried and stressed (mental health/ psycho) and as a result misses their workout (physical/ bio) and snaps at a loved one or colleague (social wellbeing) due to sleep deprivation and losing the natural positive dopamine release from training (physical/ bio).
So in summary, our physical, mental, social and financial welbeing all need a balance of attention, always. All areas have the ability to impact all areas and as per my previous posts on mindful planning, require attention to ensure you are getting the balance right on each area, at the right time.
In the following posts we will dive into each area in more detail and provide some practical tips to support each pillar.
02. HEALTH - Guest - The Spine Guy
In this week’s guest health spotlight we invite Jeff BenMayor aka The Spine Guy to share some tips to improve health and wellbeing simply by thinking more about our posture.
You can catch Jeff at The Hundred 2024 where he’ll be offering free posture assessments on Saturday afternoon.
Posture: Why Straightening Up Matters
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to let our posture slip under the radar.
But maintaining good posture isn't just about appearances—it's about overall health and confidence.
From reducing back pain to enhancing breathing and digestion, there are many benefits of proper posture.
So, stand tall, your spine will thank you.
Embrace the power of good posture, not just for the way it makes you look, but for how it helps you move and makes you feel. Confident, capable, and ready to take on the world.
Remember, posture isn't just a habit—it's a lifestyle.
Invest in your spinal health today for a lifetime of benefits tomorrow.
03. MINDSET - Mike Bates
This week my Nan passed away.
Nan was the last of a generation and the wife of my Grandad with whom I shared an especially close relationship.
I spent many days with them both as a child, watching Nan making cushion covers in the front room of their modest home whilst Grandad stood for 12 hours a day on a market stall in Doncaster selling them.
Proper people. Hard working. Humble.
Grandad died in my arms 11 years ago. He was like a father to me growing up and I still miss him.
Now don’t worry this isn’t a morbid or sad reflection of that event, far from it in fact.
I write this with a smile in the hope it sparks a positive thought in you today and tomorrow and as you continue through life.
In a strange way being by the side of someone you love as they slip peacefully away is a beautiful thing.
It’s perhaps the last gift of love one may offer to someone else.
Reassurance. Compassion. Strength.
Many of us don’t like to think of death, far more of us fear it.
But there’s no need if we’re surrounded by those who matter the most to us and have lived a life true to ourselves.
Noticing death and accepting it as an inevitable final act in the play we call life is powerful and can help guide us to live today as we should and to prioritise the important things.
So, if you were to die tomorrow what would you want say to those you love today? How would you want to be around them? Where would be your focus?
It’s never too late to start putting the important things first.
Live every moment like it might be your last.
The truth is that it might.
"Are you going to stand or are you going to crumble? In the face of everything, stand still."
Gabby Douglas - U.S.A 3 x Olympic Gold Medal Winning Gymnast
05. TIP
Buzzing the Olympics is finally underway?
Then you realise (like I did) that the niche sport I want to watch - wrestling - isn’t being broadcast live by the BBC.
So how can you guarantee you’ll be able to watch every sport live, all of the time?
Get Discovery+ for £3.99 a month until the end of 2024 via Amazon Prime's video channels. This also comes with an Amazon Prime 30-day free trial.
Less than £4 for 17 days off wall-to-wall sport? Champion!
We believe that when men live happier, healthier & more fulfilled lives…everyone wins! - NXT45
The Journal by NXT45